Saturday, 9 September 2017

Yoga Burn Review

Yoga Burn Review – Is Zoe Bray Cotton’s Her Yoga Secret A Scam?

·                     Editor Rating
·                     Rated 4.5 stars
·                      Outstanding
$37to $57
·                     90%

·                     Yoga Burn
·                     Reviewed by: Margot Taylor
·                     Published on: February 22, 2017
·                     Last modified: February 22, 2017
·                     Overall
Editor: 93%
·                     Effectiveness
Editor: 90%
·                     Speed of Results
Editor: 88%
·                     Bonuses
Editor: 95%
·                     Value
Editor: 95%

 Visit Official Website »  Buy It Now »
Here is my in depth Yoga Burn review. So does this over hyped Yoga Burn work? or is this just a scam? Lets find out. Are you looking for the best way to burn fat and calories? Perhaps, you have tried several techniques without  knowing about Yoga Burn DVD or you have heard about the program and you are wondering, Does Yoga Burn Work? Let me give you a brief intro about this weight loss/fitness program. Yoga Burn aka ‘Her Yoga Secrets’ by Zoe Bray Cotton is a 12 weeks yoga program for flat belly and physical fitness. It uses a technique called Dynamic Sequencing to burn calories and fat, promoting healthy weight loss. The Yoga Burn workout consists of three phases – you spend four weeks on each one and gradually progress from week to week. Each phase contains an introduction as well as three workout videos. These videos are well designed and offer a great instructor to guide every participant. The program advises you to complete the three videos at least once per week. For faster results you will have to dedicate more time with Yoga Burn videos.
As an added BONUS, the program contains four extra videos including tips and tools and Yoga Pose Training that will help guide you to complete the Yoga Burn program successfully. For easier access, you can stream the Yoga Burn youtube courses online or download the workouts. If you are someone who has tried dozens of exercises and medications to loose weight and none didn’t really work, then I think this could be the answer. Frankly I’m not supporting Zoe’s Yoga Burn but the truth is this system is getting rave reviews from users around the globe! Hundreds of women already got their dream lean and strong body. End of the day you me and everybody knows that Daily Yoga is a great way to live healthy.
Yoga Burn Review – Is Zoe Bray Cotton’s Her Yoga Secret A Scam?
Contents [show]
It is unique in that it is designed to help women lose weight and tone their bodies while participating in calm and relaxing yoga that does not include any harsh or intense cardio exercises. The Yoga Burn course is comprised of nine workout videos, all of which are approximately forty-five minutes long. These videos are divided into three phases, entitled Foundational FlowTransitional Flow, and Mastery Flow, which include three videos each.
Phase 1 – Foundational Flow
The first phase was the foundational flow phase, which is aimed at individuals who are just starting the program. The workouts in this phase are much simpler, safe and efficient. At this stage, anybody would be able to easily fit into the Yoga Burn program, despite of any prior Yoga experience. Strategic workouts of this phase will help you to enhance the metabolism. Sever users noticed minor Yoga Burn results after completing this phase.
Phase 2 – Transitional Flow
Transitional Flow is the second phase of the Yoga Burn system and also consists of an introduction video and three new workouts. As the title of this phase suggests, the second three videos in the program focus on transitions.
In this phase, Zoe Bray teaches participants how to link the yoga moves she introduced them to in the Foundational Flow phase together to create a sequence using seamless transitions between each pose. Because participants are more familiar with the basic poses by the second phase of the Yoga Burn review course, Zoe uses the Transitional Flow phase to keep them focused on the present moment throughout each routine in order to eliminate stress and feel happier and more content during the workout and in their daily life.
Phase 3 – Mastery Flow
By the ninth week, one should proceeded to the final phase of the Yoga Burn with Zoe workout, which was majorly a combination of the workouts in the phase 1 and phase 2. In Mastery Flow you will learn how to fire up your metabolism, transform your body and build definition. You will do more repetition of each pose to encourage each muscle to fatigue which will give you that lean yoga look. This is the most challenging part of the Yoga Burn for women course and will totally transform your body.
Pros and Cons of Yoga Burn by Zoe Bray Cotton
There are a number of Pros and Cons I noticed, as well as experiences from some of my friends, whom I suggested the program.
Pros of Yoga Burn Reviewed 
·   Suits women of all fitness levels: The poses are arranged in order from the easiest to hardest in order to avoid injuries or discomfort. There are suggestions with each workout on how to make a certain pose easier or more difficult, depending on your fitness level and capabilities.
·   Easy to follow: You will find that the instructions are so clear that you do not have to keep looking at the screen and can easily follow the steps.
·   Focuses on results: The Yoga Burn System provides opportunities to progress, as the sequences change as you continue with the program. This avoids the workout plateau and will undoubtedly show results as you keep pushing your body with each workout.
·   Convenient: You will not have to pay for yoga classes and transportation costs. There is a one-time fee to receive all the perks. Furthermore, the workout can be done in the comfort of your own home without special equipment.
·   Bonuses: The tranquility flow and follow-along audio classes are completely free with Her Yoga Secrets and they are absolutely useful.
·   The Yoga Burn discount: With Zoe Bray’s Yoga Burn discount, it is possible for you to get 2 DVDs at the rate of $57. This is as opposed to the normal Yoga Burn Price of $37 for one. 
·   2 Months of Full Money Back Guarantee. If you don’t like the program for any reason, you can request a full refund within 2 months. It’s completely risk-free.
Yoga Burn Sample Pose
→ Note: It is very easy to get the Yoga Burn review guide, you just have to go to the  official website, and order. If you search ‘Yoga Burn Amazon’ there are some pages with buy now option but thats not the original Yoga Burn system. Make sure you order form itself.
Cons of Yoga Burn Video System
·   Results vary among individuals: Like with any new exercise routine, Yoga Burn results will vary from person to person. Although the workout will be beneficial for all who try it, it may take longer for some people to see results compared to others.
·   May be too easy for some: For people who are used to high-intensity exercises and advanced yoga, this Yoga Burn videos may not be challenging enough.
·   Digital edition only. The program is offered through videos that are available for your use as soon as you purchase. For those who are not very motivated unless they are in a live class, this may be a disadvantage.
Yoga Burn DVDs by Zoe – Main Advantages 
A major issue people have had with some weight loss programs is the fact that you are made to follow the same procedure, irrespective of if you are just starting, or you have been on the program for some time. The implication of this is that some people find it difficult to fit into the program at the start, thereby wasting some weeks without fully benefiting. With Yoga Burn Zoe Bray system, you are able to start with the simpler workouts everybody can do. While these workouts already start the process of helping you lose weight, you will simultaneously be prepared for the phase 2 and phase 3 of the workout. With this, it is a very easy method for losing weight. The fact that you also have to do it at the comfort of your home and at your own time makes it very convenient.
Our unbiased Yoga Burn review finds that the major advantage of the convenience is a substance in the body known as Cortisol. This is usually increased when the body is stressed or when you are under pressure. Cortisol makes the body to store more fat, leading to weight gain. One of the reasons why a lot of weight loss programs seem not to be working is because the individuals are stressed while rushing and trying to get to the venue of the sessions as well as other reasons. With this, they end up storing more fat before they even start to workout. They might just end up burning all the new extra fat they stored up during that period, leading to a situation where their weight remain almost the same before and after the program. The convenience of the Yoga Burn workout, coupled with the fact that the workouts are also meant to make you relax (which reduces the level of cortisol and the rate the body stores fat), goes a long way to help people lose weight and get slimmer tommy amongst other benefits.
Zoe Bray Cotton – Who is she?
You might be wondering who is responsible for this Yoga Burn DVD that has been much talked about. Zoe Bray-Cotton is an instructor in Yoga who came up with the program. After working for several years training individuals personally and also instructing on relaxation, she decided to put her many years as an expert in female body transformation and yoga instructor to create this program. The aim of the program is to help females lose body weight and reduce stress. With her Yoga Burn DVDs, she has been able to help much more people all over the world to lose weight.
Why Yoga Burn is Useful?
Yoga Burn with Zoe is very useful, due to the fact that it is efficient for helping people lose weight. Considering the health risks of having too much fat as well as self-esteem issues that could arise from been too fat, losing weight is the constant goal of several people. Furthermore, it could get difficult moving from one place to the other, or doing your daily activities when you are too fat. All of these were what I considered, that made me really pursue my aim of losing weight. Fortunately, there are several participants who are able to finally achieve that with Yoga Burn. You should also read our Achievable Body Blueprint review, which is a good fitness program for both men and women.
Is Yoga Burn a Scam?
It is normal to ask questions like Does Yoga Burn work if you have not really benefited from it. It is not a scam as there are many benefited from the program around the globe. Furthermore, there are many Yoga Burn testimonials online, which are written by those who have benefited from the workout. All you have to do is follow the instruction on the Yoga Burn DVDs and you will be fine. So you should completely avoid the Yoga Burn scam rumors. I have thoroughly went through the program before coming up with this long but honest Yoga Burn review and I can’t say I found anything fishy about it.
Yoga Burn Price and How to Download 
To purchase/download the Yoga Burn program and qualify for the 60-day money-back guarantee. The cost is from $37 to $57 plus shipping, depending on the package you purchase. By purchasing through the link above, you will also qualify to receive all future bonuses added to the program as they are released. Beware of fraudulent links and do not give your credit card information to an unknown seller.
This program cannot be purchased through Amazon. Do not confuse this with the Rodney Yee program. The program is available as a physical collection on DVD and for Yoga Burn download in digital format directly from their website after logging in. Unfortunately, there is no option to save on shipping by purchasing the downloadable copy only (without the DVDs) – both forms come in a package.
Yoga Burn Discounts
Yoga Burn does not release any discount coupons or codesThe Yoga Burn price has been set at the release of the program. Although the price stays the same, Zoe continues to add value to the program with new bonuses. By purchasing through the official site above, you automatically qualify for all future bonuses added by Zoe, and you will receive them at no additional cost when they are released.
Yoga Burn Zoe Bray-Cotton Real Results 

Jennifer – Oklahoma US Stacy – San Diego US Lisa – Ontario Canada Anne – Edinburgh UK

Conclusion – Yoga Burn is Highly Effective, Not a Scam. 
As a whole, is an investment that is well worth the one-time access fee. The course promises to make women feel lighter, sexier, and happier. By combining yoga elements that help women burn fat, tone muscle, eliminate stress, and feel more content with themselves and their bodies in just nine forty-five minute videos, this program stays true to its promises. When you follow a progressive program like this, you will burn fat and lose weight. Hope this in depth Yoga Burn Review was helpful. Please feel free to comment below, I’ll reply within some hours.

Unlock Your Hip Flexors

Scam or Legit?: Legit
Overall Ranking: 75 out of 100 points
Price: $50
Experience level: Beginner to Intermediate
Type Of Training: Stretching, Plyometrics, etc.
For what?: Injury recovery & prevention
Owners: Rick Kaselj & Mike Westerdal
I stumbled accross this product called Unlock Your Hip Flexors through one of my newsletters and decided to check if this program could potentially help someone who is experiencing different complications that arise from tight hip flexors such as hip pain and lower back pain.
I personally did not have any problems with my hip flexors and never had so I didn’t purchase this program to heal myself, so I want to mention that I cannot give my experience of using it.
But that being said, I’ve reviewed a lot different programs and got a good feel of them what seems to be legit and what a scam.
And I can say right now that I certainly get a feel that the guys who made this up really know what they are talking about.
There is a LOT information about anatomy and biomechanics of the Hip Flexors within this ebook and at times the text is very complicated. although the information is broken down so that a dummy like myself can understand what the authors are talking of.
Let’s look a bit in-depth what the e-book actually consists of…
About The Authors
Rick Kaselj, MS
Rick Kaselj is the “go-to” guy when it comes to overcoming injuries and pain, but most of his learning do not come from books and seminars but from his own struggles with injuries and pain.
Rick’s journey into living a pain-free life started with a severe back injury caused
from working out the wrong way. The injury threatened to end his professional career and prevent him from living a full and happy life. Rick did not want a life of pain, appointments and drugs so he began to search for a solution to overcome his crippling back pain.
Using himself as a guinea pig he developed techniques and strategies to overcome his back injury and has used these same strange techniques with over a hundred thousand clients, professionals, viewers and readers to overcome back, shoulder, knee, elbow and many other pains.
On a daily basis Rick helps over 80,000 people from 137 countries (including Antarctica) live a healthier and pain-free life and Rick has taught his techniques to well over 8,152 health and fitness professionals from around the word.
Mike Westerdal
Mike Westerdal is a personal trainer, kettlebell instructor and founder of, the internet’s largest strength site helping half a million people per month achieve their strength & health goals.
With a background in sports training and powerlifting, Mike has teamed up with the industry’s leading Injury Specialist Rick Kaselj, MS in order to overcome their personal injuries and nagging pain.
Together their mission is share the Fix My Pain series with others that are interested in fixing their own injuries and combating pain without appointments, medications or going under the knife in order to live life to the fullest in and out of the gym.
What Is The Unlock Your Hip Flexors EBOOK?
We cannot function perfectly if our hips our imperfect. It’s as simple as that. Our hips impact everything that the rest of the body does or tries to do. Sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk, step, and the list goes on and on.
That being said, the book is designed to help you get rid off the following common causes that tight hip flexors tend to manifest:
1.     Improper posture
2.     Joint pains in your legs, lower back or hips
3.     Decreased atheltic perfromance
4.     Hips locking up
5.     Compromised Immune System
6.     High Anxiety
7.     Problems with sexual performance
8.     Circulatory issues
9.     Trouble sleeping
10.  Digestive problems
11.  Circulatory issues
As you can see there are many potential problems that arise from tight Hip Flexors, but to be honest I’d say that the four first ones are the major symptoms and the rest are, well, maybe a bit of a long-shot.
In the book it is stated that the two major cause for tight Hip Flexors are SITTING and pattern overload, meaning repetitive movements over long periods of time such as heavy squatting, running or other athletic related movements.
The hips are very, very complex structure and there are 4 major muscle groups that are responsible for your hips to operate as intented but one group in particular has a little more responsibility than the others and this cannot be
disregarded. It’s the iliopsoas group.
The Main Target Of The Book, “The Mighty Psoas”
This particular muscle located deep in the hip seems to be one of the most popular muscles in the realm of fitness professionals; it’s been a subject of countless articles, numerous books and the star in what seems to be an endless
supply of therapy, yoga, and rehab videos.
The reason the psoas is so popular is because it has numerous significant duties. On the structural level, it is responsible for stabilizing the spine and flexing the hip.
One of the most significant things about the psoas is that it connects the legs to the spine.
The problem is that the Psoas is located DEEP within our bodies and it’s really difficult to access. Stretching without a specific series of different techniques or foam rolling / lacrosse balling will not cut it.
This is where the program comes into play.
The Solution: Sequential Flow Method
As I just mentioned, the Psoas is really hard to reach by just stretching your Hip Flexors with traditional stretches without a step-by-step process that is well thought out and stands for a reason.
Like unfolding a sheet or unpacking a parcel, opening up the muscles in your hips requires it to be done in the right order.
Try to release one muscle before another and you’ll add to your tightness. Getting it wrong really can make it worse.
The power of the technique lies not only in what techniques are performed and how well, but in doing these in the proper sequence. Done effectively, what Rick and Mike call “The Sequential Flow Method,” works with your body to activate its natural healing process, improve flexibility while adding strength and vitality.
Doing the movements in the right order unravels all the tissues including muscle, fascia, connective tissue, and the joint capsule while breaking up scar tissue.
The Sequential Flow Method consists of 6 different parts:
1.     PNF Stretching: PNF is an acronym for proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. It is a technique where you are activating a specific muscle in order to relax the muscles around a joint so you can decrease the stiffness around a joint.
2.     Dynamic Stretching: This is where you are activating the muscle around a joint and moving that joint through its full range of motion in a progressive manner. This leads to an increased range of motion around the joint, warming up of the muscle around the joint and improved circulation around the joint.
3.     3-Dimensional Core Stability Exercises: With these exercises the program is targeting the muscle in all planes of movement so the core and abdominal muscles have good activation, endurance and strength in all planes of movement which leads to a decrease in unnecessary damaging stress on joints.
4.     Mobility Exercises: In these exercises, the program is targeting the joint and doing movements and exercises that help the joint function optimally. This allows a joints to move more freely.
5.     Fascia Stretching: In this unique technique, we are targeting the tissue that muscles are surrounded in and working on loosening and lengthening the fascia.
6.     Muscle Activation Movements: Due to all of our sitting and daily technology use, many of our muscles are not working properly. With this technique, the program is targeting those muscles that are off and activate them in order to help the body move more efficiently.
There will be a total of 12 different movements within the program using all of the techniques mentioned above that will open up and relax your tight hips.
What I Like In The Program
§  The book contains detailed information on the anatomy and biomechanics of our bodies (mainly hips ofc.)
§  There are potentially many problems that can be cured by opening your Hip Flexors.
§  All the movements are explained in detail and also demonstrated in video so there is no chance of doing them wrong.
§  Amount of repetitions / durations and sets explained for each exercise.
§  Reading the book feels like you’re actually in hands of a real doctor.
§  Price is affordable.
§  60-day no questions asked money back quarantee.
What I Don’t Like
§  Available only as a electronic product.
§  Some of the symptoms that can be cured with opening Hip Flexors seem to be a bit overexaggerated.
§  There is not a 100% success rate that this will cure your problems.
So when it all comes down to it, is the program worth of your money?
When we put things into perspective $50 for a potential lifetime fix of your hip and lower back pain is not too much if you’d ask me.
Just compare that to a visit to the hospital if you have a nagging back or hip pain, I’d think that the bill would be 10 times as high if not even more.
In my humble opinion I think this program is worth a shot if you’re experiencing any discomfort in your hip or lower back area. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
What I can assure you is the fact that this program is not a scam. I get the feel that there is real expertise behind the whole system and it is truly well thought out.